Friday, April 15, 2011

Qiang Huang ~ Day 1

Day 1 of a 3 day still life workshop with Qiang Huang at the Coppini. Qiang started out talking about composition & set-up. The way he presented "clicked" with me and made it easier to set-up a still life for our afternoon painting session. Qiang did a demo for us that made it all look so easy.

We worked in groups to set up a still life, then painted and squinted. We had a lovely set-up, great composition and tones. I loved my painting sooo much that I wiped my canvas after 1.5 hours of work, right after I said I would "use this as a lesson" and try, try, try. Yea. Didn't happen. That artistic/red-head temper kicked in. It was either wipe it all off or pack up and leave. Plus, I was having easel problems that caused a big problem (more later).

So, with a little over an hour left, I flipped the canvas to a vertical format and began again. Much better. It's not complete or perfect. I had to make choices about where to spend my limited time. But it's 1,000x better (and no, I didn't take a picture of the first one.)

About the easel/tripod problems, the tripod wouldn't lock the paint box upright. The box kept falling backwards when attached. This was the first time I used my new easel. I thought it was me, but several fellow artists tried to fix it and couldn't solve the problem. I ended up calling the company for help. They were fantastic and tried several things that unfortunately didn't work. But they're sending me a replacement and Charlotte is letting borrow her tripod for the rest of the workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Cindy. I love the apple. Good work in such a short time.
    The easel problem sounds really frustrating. Have a good time at the workshop, and post more pictures!
